telecommunications sector

美 [ˌtelikəˌmjuːnɪˈkeɪʃnz ˈsektər]英 [ˌtelikəˌmjuːnɪˈkeɪʃnz ˈsektə(r)]
  • 电信行业
telecommunications sectortelecommunications sector
  1. Take the European telecommunications sector .


  2. The news gave a fillip to the telecommunications sector


  3. The first part is the classification of the British telecommunications sector service change analysis .


  4. The analysis of technological Progress of Posts and Telecommunications Sector


  5. What measures should China take to accelerate the competition in the telecommunications sector ?


  6. The telecommunications sector develops rapidly , but its statistics is a weakness .


  7. With structural changes in the telecommunications sector , cross subsidies are not suit to competitive environment .


  8. So my question is what measures do you plan to adopt to accelerate the competition in the telecommunications sector in China ?


  9. When China launched the restructuring of its telecommunications sector in May this year , it was one of the biggest events in the global industry for years .


  10. The ima Technology & telecommunications sector has yet to recover from mistakes made in its infancy and fully reconnect with investors .


  11. INVESTORS who follow the old axiom'buy on rumor , sell on fact'when trading shares in China 's giant telecommunications sector have been getting burned of late .


  12. Shares in Hong Kong came under heavy selling pressure yesterday as the mood was damped by disappointing corporate earnings and weakness in the telecommunications sector .


  13. However , the full impact of the global recession on the IT services and telecommunications sector is still emerging and forecast growth in these areas had been further reduced significantly .


  14. Coincident with the boost , restructuring in the telecommunications sector has been going deeper with competition being progressively introduced in the market and funding channels becoming wider .


  15. Since 1981 , the telecommunications sector of Macao has gone through stages of privatization , monopoly and partial liberalization , during which the objects faced by the telecommunications regulatory agency have also changed from single to multiple entities .


  16. But Xiang Ligang , an expert on China 's telecommunications sector , says that Apple now faces a challenge in " keeping itself interesting " in China , namely that the group was " looking like a trend follower these days . "


  17. In the thesis , study is also carried out on the United Kingdom , the United States of America and Japan , which are comparatively more mature in terms of telecommunications sector reform and development , especially on the corresponding evolution of their regulatory regimes and legislative measures .


  18. Backward Linkage of FDI , Financial Development and Intellectual Property Protection : Evidence from Electronic and Telecommunications Equipments Sector in China


  19. Among all of the sectors , the telecommunications industry sector and comprehensive sector were stronger than other industry sectors , while herd behavior does not exist in the sector of food and steel plates .


  20. However , self-service site , development of telecommunications industry than financial sector .


  21. With the fast development of the telecommunications in our country , telecommunications sector has set up more and more telecommunication machine rooms unattended .


  22. In view of the rapid developments in the international telecommunications market , the government and hkti 's holding company , Hong Kong Telecommunications limited , are discussing how the international telecommunications sector should be developed to maintain Hong kong 's position as a telecommunications hub in the Asia-Pacific region .


  23. Telecommunications equipment due to the current model of large amounts of large , widely distributed , for different types of network elements of access , data collection , analysis , processing both very different , giving the daily operation and maintenance of the telecommunications sector has brought many difficulties .
